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Friday, March 14, 2025
Home of the musical legacy of Tim Buckley


Chase the blues away

Performed by Brendan Perry

(NOTE: Lyrics may differ slightly from those shown below)

Well come along walk with me
And learn the songs that lovers sing
When they believe
We'll dance along the river's edge
Just arm and arm along the moonlit shore
The midnight cries

Well I just came to chase the blues away
For a while

Just like a child you'll cling to me
From every sound along that rushes near
It's just the breeze that licks your skin
and rubs your breast
And as we lay our river's flow away
Your woman fear

Well I just came to chase the blues away
For a while

With the morning sun we'll wake
And lift our eyes and watch the eagle fly
Up mountain high
And on his wings our love will climb
And never fail until he soars and dives
Oh, he'll take your breath away

Well, he just came to chase the blues away
For a while

Tim Buckley
Tim Buckley Music ASCAP

Recorded 1999
White Sessions - Radio France Inter

Running time 5:35

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