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Friday, March 14, 2025
Home of the musical legacy of Tim Buckley


Freeway Blues

I never swallowed that cheap booze
I keep my distance from straight dudes
I joined the army just to get more fame
I love my floozy cause she walks so strange

Ah, well you know I think we ought to have a party
Just to break up the day
Come on and meet me on an easy exit
Of our brand new freeway

I've got the freeway it's sublime rocketship blues
I got the tug boat high steppin' starstudded blues
I got the kite flyin' bubble gum Sunday school blues
I got the hotel bump and grind money making' blues

Ah, come on down and play in the traffic
And watch the cars go crazy
We'll pull all over the starlight
And disappear in the haze

I've got the hot dog hanky pankin' all night long blues
I've got the cop car shoot out whistle pig blues
I've got the Rose Bowl low tide lawn mower blues
I've got the freeway Dixieland rocketship blues

I never swallowed that cheap booze
I keep my distance from straight dudes
I joined the army just to get more fame
I love my floozy cause she walks so strange

Yeah we oughta have a party
Yeah just to break up the day
Come on over 'cause I am high
Got to figure out which way to cruise

Tim Buckley/Larry Beckett
Tim Buckley Music ASCAP/19th Opus Music o/b/o TFifth Floor Music, Inc. ASCAP

Released 1974 Discreet/Warner Brothers - "Look at the Fool"

Running Time 3:06

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