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Friday, March 14, 2025
Home of the musical legacy of Tim Buckley


I can't see you

Summer princess, midnight maiden
When I first saw you I just breathed
Into your smile my past went fadin'
Inside your voice, my mind was sheathed
In lost lagoon, we waited, wadin'
Along the streets we went paradin'
Never looking back to where we'd been

Autumn temptress, sundown angel
Inside your blood you aren't so young
I came to you a loving vandal
And heard your heart and touched your tongue
Day became a lighted candle
Sky fell down beneath your sandal
In your eye I began to spin

Winter harlot, moontime lover
I can't speak when I feel this way
Don't keep your feelings undercover
Tell me what you want today
Don't leave me in the air to hover
Sing it out don't make me suffer
Don't be ashamed love is no sin

Springtime woman, sunrise girl
I am hiding behind the sea
Trick or treat, the Hallowe'en world
Hide and seek but you can't catch me
I won't chase you until you hurl
Your wing to me, and make me twirl
You're alive underneath my skin

Tim Buckley/Larry Beckett
Tim Buckley Music ASCAP/Third Story Music BMI

Released 1966 Elektra Records - “Tim Buckley”

Running time 2:42

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